Update for COVID-19 Response
Hello and welcome,
We hope that you and your family are doing well in these unforeseen circumstances. Staying healthy and positive is a must. Also being safe and sanitizing is a must these days. Please read our procedure during this COVID-19. We are providing services to family households and to limited number of people per reservation. We want all of you to be safe and follow the guidelines that have been issued by the CDC and the state orders from Washington.
What you need to know while in the limo:
If you are family from a household, you don't need to wear masks. Please know that our limousines are cleaned and sanitized before and after every reservation. This is not new to us as we have cleaned our vehicles for over 30 years!
If you are being transported with others you know, please follow CDC guidelines for when to wear a mask.
Great thing about a limo, is that passengers are already separated from the chauffuer since there is a partion between the driver's cabin and the passenger's cabin. No need for the plexiglass, we have a built-in luxury divider with a intercom system.
You don't need to touch the controls, your driver can do that for you! Yep, that is right, no need to lift a finger, your driver can operate the controls from his driver seat using his own controls.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Please refer to our rental policy agreement for cancellations. Rental Policy Agreement
03/09/2020: ATTENTION
Dear clients and future clients,
We are sure you have concerns about the Coronavirus as we do. We want you to know we have always taken pride in the cleanliness of our vehicles and it's business as usual. Our normal process of business has always been to ensure the health and safety of our passengers and chauffeurs while traveling in our vehicles that are thoroughly cleaned multiple times each day even when their is not a health crisis. Even though there isn't a case in the Benton Franklin district (click on the BFHD for more information https://www.bfhd.wa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=10766056&pageId=16507813), we are taking an extra step to prevent any germs besides the Coronavirus. (The flu is more common that the coronavirus) We are going the extra mile by using UV-C Blue light technology that effectively kills the coronavirus family, MERS, MERSA and the flu. For safety, we have also asked our chauffeurs to avoid the pleasantry of a handshake.
We place great emphasis on your safety as well as the health and safety of our employees. Our vehicles are cleaned between each trip with anti-bacterial cleaning products for your protection as well as keeping our chauffeurs safe.
The Center for Disease Control has issued a statement indicating domestic travel in the United States is still safe and there is no need to cancel trips or events held within the United States. The CDC recommends travelers take the following precautions:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. We clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as handles, seatbelt buckles, air vents, buttons, and armrests using a disinfectant wipe.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%–95% alcohol.
We wanted to share this information with you so you may travel with us with confidence.
Celebrity Limousine